Aimee Haak

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Aimee Haak

Letting Go With Grace

de Aimee Haak (Espagne)

A mother ́s journey is profound and a daughter ́s journey becomes profound. It ́s a tight rope walk balancing attachment and letting go. It ́s the wedding day of the girl whom you had given birth and it ́s the day that you either let go with grace or suffer loss. A mother ́s hope is that her daughter has found true love – yet all mother ́s know the struggles that accompany true love. With this in mind, the stage is set for the wedding day and the mother ́s journey deepens. The direction of the journey on the tight rope becomes a mother ́s choice – to hold tight or to let go. We can only wish that every mother finds wisdom and courage on her daughter ́s wedding day.

Portfolio du workshop Photojournalisme de mariage avec Franck Boutonnet, Mai 2016.

Vidéo-conférence avec CORINE HAMEL,
Responsable service photo à Marie Claire, France

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