Undine Groeger

Undine Groeger

Within my walls and beyond

by Undine Groeger (Switzerland)

Communism, beautiful curves and the emancipation of humanity – a part of my project on the Aftermath of the Fall of The Iron Curtain: “Within my Walls and Beyond”.

Made in the German Democratic Republic ​,​ I am just about old enough to remember the GDR, and my generation will be the last Soviet generation. I was born in East Berlin and grew up the first ten years of my life in the GDR. I actually don’t remember seeing the Berlin Wall until the day it fell. Once the Iron Curtain fell and the Berlin Wall became invisible – the invisible became visible to me.

Portfolio from the News Photography workshop with David Burnett, June 2014.

Personal meeting with ANN-CHRISTIN BERTRAND,
Curator at C/O Berlin and head of C/O Berlin Talents program

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