I had the opportunity to meet new people during the workshop. They have changed from strangers to human beings playing a part in my history as a person and as a photographer as soon as I took a picture of them. This pictures are a recording of our meeting and even if I won’t see them anymore, the small time we spent together isn’t lost. Specially because I have used analog film to work, as well as digital. Mixing the technics showed me that something strong with feeds me happens on the film and I am delighted to feel it again.
My vision and my state of mind has changed and like I consider a landscape as a character, I can see people as landscapes, or a part of it. The only thing I have to do is opening my heart, watch and trigger.
I fell in love with photography 20 years ago. As soon as I began taking pictures, I knew that I found what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. It was obvious that I wanted to write with light. I also loved the smell of the laboratory, the sound of the flap of the camera when I put a film inside, and all these pictures waiting to born. So I did the school of photography of Vevey and then started to work specially in landscape and industrial photography area. I now do most photo documentary, architecture, concerts, construction sites follow up and portraits.