The space between worlds, the space between light and dark, the light between night and day is when life presents itself with desire and dreams, disappointment and regret. An opportunity to live a moment, a parallel narrative, a chance meeting and a new beginning. Only to never to meet again.
Beauty exists within complication, in life and love, those delicate and ultimately confusing spaces in-between. Where the answer is not yet known, and you have to brave everything and let the story unfold with the essence of serendipity and the spirit of adventure. To trust that it will take you on a journey that has no final destination.
My artistic practice explores stories and moments in both private and public spaces, asking the viewer to enter the space between the work and me. I want to tell stories and share moments that are real, sometimes poetic, at other times directional or even performative. Conversations real and imagined with the people, friends, encounters, travellers, lovers and loves who enter, transform, stay or disappear from my life.
“I believe if there’s any kind of God it wouldn’t be in any of us, not you or me but just this little space in-between. If there’s any kind of magic in this world it must be in the attempt of understanding someone sharing something. I know, it’s almost impossible to succeed but who cares really? The answer must be in the attempt.”
About Me – Living a life in-between
My passions in work, play and creativity have always been binary but not black and white – that space in-between – belonging & freedom, self & other, masculine & feminine, reason & emotion, humans & machines, creativity & algorithm, digital & real, mind & body, art & science.
Art is a practice that I have returned after a 10-year hiatus. I consider myself an emerging artist and a re-emerging artist. For the last 10 years, I had kept my life divided between professional career and photography. I did not photograph for 10 years focusing on the routine of work & family rather than the fluidity of creativity. Now I seek both.
I am in-between being settled and belonging, living in two cities (Madrid and London) while always on the road as a nomad invigorated with my freedom, travelling when I can. I have not had a ‘home’ in the traditional sense or a mortgage or rent for 3 years. No postal address, no place to call home.
I am made in Australia but slowly emerging as a European with each passing day.
1 One Way Street, Walter Benjamin
2 Before Sunrise, Richard Linklater, 1995