Maxime Riché

Sans titre
Maxime Riché

Climate Heroes

by Maxime Riché (France)

Climate Heroes, “get inspired to act against climate change” is a documentary media project about climate change gathering photos, videos, and texts (

Between 2010 and 2016, I documented the stories of the women and the men who work, every day around the world, in order to mitigate climate change, understand its consequences and allow us to be better prepared to adapt to it. Citizens, activists, scientists, or entrepreneurs, the Climate Heroes prepare our world as it will be tomorrow. By their positive example, they can inspire the great many to start acting now to mitigate climate change.

Portfolio from the Documentary Photography workshop with Patrick Zachmann, November 2017.

Personal meeting with VALERIE FOUGEIROL,
Independant curator/ Creative director

See portfolio HERE.


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