Labyrinths of Barbès smelled like fruits and petrol. Thick summer air is so heavy you could punch it, and the hand would hurt. You wouldn’t be able to shoot a hole in it even with a gun. Time is like burnt rubber, like old tires, it stretches but it seems like nobody knows what to do with it. Streets are busy, parks are buzzing, but this motion is only a fictional one – it hides the space of paused temporalities, and the younger inhabitants of this space suffocate with boredom. Following some of them during the workshop, I went on a journey I haven’t anticipated. It challenged everything in me, it tested my mental endurance, it became a personal journey which made me a different photographer.
Lidia Nikonova is a Russian photographer currently based in Los Angeles, California. She started her photographic career in Sydney in 2012 and since then her works were featured in major Australian publications: The Sydney Morning Herald, The Australian, The Age, Australian Financial Review.
Working as a news photographer inspired her to move towards long form documentary work, which is the direction she is currently focused on.