Leanne B. Moore

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Leanne B. Moore

Paris in Heat; soaring temperatures; transforming lives

by Leanne B. Moore (Malta)

Photography is an art of observation. It has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.” Elliot Erwitt

A twist of change in the Parisian days, a heatwave came along the way! Smell of sweat, drowsy sleep on the bench, dripping water and heavy sunrays on one’s skin, getting ready for a cold swim.

Paris in Heat was an intense and exciting challenging project to shoot in such high temperatures and following Erwitt’s inspirational quote, it was an adrenaline filled adventure, especially in a specific instant of taking a single moment of a story which cannot be repeated.

Portfolio from the Visual Storytelling for Impact and Meaning workshop with Ed Kashi, July 2019.

Video conference with ELISABETH BIONDI,
Visuals Editor and Independent Curator

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