Overheated body talk
by Joëlle Verkooijen (The Netherlands)
<p style=”text-align: justify;”>It is the hottest day ever in Paris. Streets are boiling, buildings are melting. This extreme heat in the French capital is so overwhelming that it brings people to find refreshment wherever they can. Where do they go, wat do they do and how do they behave? The theme has led me to very new local places and nice interaction with the overheated bodies.</p>
<p style=”text-align: justify;”>People inspire me: It is the body that talks. I enjoy observing people, to watch and connect. My work is based on the believe that everybody has something to give. With my photography I want to emphasize the beauty of people, the power that people have, even though they live in uncertain circumstances and share inspiring stories. Photography to make the world a little bit more human.</p>