In the near future I’m planning to focus a bit more on documentary and long-term projects, mostly about Mediterranean culture subjects (specially from Portugal and Spain). This series of photos is about the Pere Lachaise, the famous cemetery in Paris, visited by thousands of people each year. It’s about its iconic views, the old tombs under the trees, and the workers (most of them Portuguese immigrants) that keep it going.

For a long time I’ve had a great interest in photography, ever since my father gave me his old Yashica rangefinder when I was a boy. Photography has followed me ever since, I always kept a camera close to me and as I was growing I became more interested to know more about it. It became the way to document the world around me, fueling my interest in travel. Nowadays most of my work could be considered “travel photography” (although the term is a bit broad), usually alternating between subjects: from nature to portrait or more cultural related subjects.
Portfolio from the Visual storytelling workshop with Ed Kashi, March 2014.
Written review by
Director at GEO magazine
This review is only available in spanish.