Guillaume Nédellec

Two teenagers look at the landscape
Guillaume Nédellec

The children of Izieu

by Guillaume Nédellec (France)

In the south of Ain, 44 children and 7 adults who were refugees at the colony of Izieu were arrested during the roundup of April 6, 1944, on the orders of Klaus Barbie.

42 of these children and 5 of these adults will be exterminated in the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp. 2 teenagers and 1 adult will perish in Reval. A young woman will survive.

Portfolio from the Documentary Photography workshop with Patrick Zachmann, November 2017.

Video conference with ED KASHI,
Photographer, Member of VII Photo Agency

Audio slideshow:


From Saint Maurice de Rotherens, in the Savoyard pre-Alps, we face Izieu, small town of Ain, located in the foothills of the Bugey massif. The roundup of the children of Izieu took place there, in the morning of April 6, 1944. Depuis Saint Maurice de Rotherens, dans les pré-Alpes savoyardes, on fait face à Izieu, petite commune de l’Ain, située dans les derniers contreforts du massif du Bugey. C’est là qu’au matin du 6 avril 1944, la rafle des enfants d’Izieu a eu lieu.
From Saint Maurice de Rotherens, in the Savoyard pre-Alps, we face Izieu, small town of Ain, located in the foothills of the Bugey massif. The roundup of the children of Izieu took place there, in the morning of April 6, 1944.

The lights remain symbolically lit permanently inside the old colony of Izieu, so that one never forgets the memory and the history of its children. Les lumières restent symboliquement allumées en permanence à l’intérieur de l’anienne colonie d’Izieu, afin que jamais ne s’éteignent la mémoire et l’histoire de ses enfants.
The lights remain symbolically lit permanently inside the old colony of Izieu, so that one never forgets the memory and the history of its children.

The Memorial is managed by Dominique Vidaud since 2016. This former expatriate professor spent many years in Europe, working on specific pedagogical topics. Making a link between past and present, history is one of the main lines of work implemented with his team on site. Le Mémorial est dirigé par Dominique Vidaud depuis 2016. Cet ancien professeur expatrié a passé de nombreuses années en Europe, à travailler sur des thématiques pédgogiques spécifiques. Faire un lien entre l’histoire passée et présente fait partie des principaux axes de travail mis en oeuvre avec son équipe sur place.
The Memorial is managed by Dominique Vidaud since 2016. This former expatriate professor spent many years in Europe, working on specific pedagogical topics. Making a link between past and present, history is one of the main lines of work implemented with his team on site.

From October 1943, the Belley sub-prefect, Pierre-Marcel Wiltzer, allowed the children to attend school on the site of the colony. A class is then created on the first floor. Gabrielle Perrier is named by the academic inspector teacher in charge of the education of children. Today, many school children come to visit the Izieu Memorial. The speaker guides play a particularly important role in the content of their discourse with this audience, confronting past historical facts with current ones, particularly in terms of genocide and migration. À partir d’octobre 1943, le sous-préfet de Belley, Pierre-Marcel Wiltzer, permet aux enfants d’être scolarisés sur le lieu même de la colonie. Une classe est alors créée au premier étage. Gabrielle Perrier est nommée par l’inspection académique institutrice en charge de l’éducation des enfants. Aujourd’hui, de nombreux scolaires viennent en visite au Mémorial d’Izieu. Les guides conférencièr(e)s jouent un rôle particulièrement important par la teneur de leur discours auprès de ce public, en confrontant les faits historiques passés à ceux actuels, notamment en terme de génocides et de migrations.
From October 1943, the Belley sub-prefect, Pierre-Marcel Wiltzer, allowed the children to attend school on the site of the colony. A class is then created on the first floor. Gabrielle Perrier is named by the academic inspector teacher in charge of the education of children.
Today, many school children come to visit the Izieu Memorial. The speaker guides play a particularly important role in the content of their discourse with this audience, confronting past historical facts with current ones, particularly in terms of genocide and migration.

Polish historian Piotr Cywinski has been running the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum in Germany since 2006. On May 14, 2017, in Izieu, he awarded Serge Klarsfeld the highest honor of his museum, the Light of Memory. It is given to anyone carrying out educational work around Auschwitz and the Holocaust. Historien polonais, Piotr Cywinski dirige depuis 2006 le musée d’État d’Auschwitz-Birkenau en Allemagne. Le 14 mai 2017, à Izieu, il a remis à Serge Klarsfeld, la plus haute distinction de son musée, la Lumière de la Mémoire. Celle-ci est descernée à toute personne réalisant un travail d’éducation autour d’Auschwitz et de la Shoah.
Polish historian Piotr Cywinski has been running the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum in Germany since 2006. On May 14, 2017, in Izieu, he awarded Serge Klarsfeld the highest honor of his museum, the Light of Memory. It is given to anyone carrying out educational work around Auschwitz and the Holocaust.

Below Izieu, the commune of Brégnier-Cordon is located along the Rhône. This is where the little Rene-Michel Wucher, the morning of the roundup of April 6, 1944, is released by the German soldiers on a spell of fate. One of the trucks carrying the children broke down just in front of the candy store where his aunt was working. She convinced the German soldiers that his nephew was not Jewish. En contrebas d’Izieu, la commune de Brégnier-Cordon est située le long du Rhône. C’est à cet endroit que le petit René-Michel Wucher, le matin de la rafle du 6 avril 1944, est libéré par les soldats allemands sur un coup du sort. Un des camions transportant les enfants est tombé en panne juste en face de la confiserie où travaillait sa tante. Celle-ci a convaincu les soldats allemands que son neveu n’était pas juif.
Below Izieu, the commune of Brégnier-Cordon is located along the Rhône. This is where the little Rene-Michel Wucher, the morning of the roundup of April 6, 1944, is released by the German soldiers on a spell of fate. One of the trucks carrying the children broke down just in front of the candy store where his aunt was working. She convinced the German soldiers that his nephew was not Jewish.

Michel Massé is Professor Emeritus at the University of Poitiers in Private Law and Criminal Sciences. Since 2000, he has carried out research with the Izieu Children’s Memorial on crimes against humanity. On 14 May 2017, he took part in the Izieu memorial roundtable on the Nuremberg trial and the establishment of the crime against humanity against Klaus Barbie. Michel Massé est Professeur émérite à l’Université de Poitiers en Droit privé et en Sciences Criminelles. Depuis l’an 2000, il effectue avec le Mémorial des Enfants d’Izieu des recherches sur les crimes contre l’humanité. Il a ainsi participé le 14 mai 2017 à la table ronde du mémorial d’Izieu sur le procès de Nuremberg et l’établissement du crime contre l’humanité à l’encontre de Klaus Barbie.
Michel Massé is Professor Emeritus at the University of Poitiers in Private Law and Criminal Sciences. Since 2000, he has carried out research with the Izieu Children’s Memorial on crimes against humanity. On 14 May 2017, he took part in the Izieu memorial roundtable on the Nuremberg trial and the establishment of the crime against humanity against Klaus Barbie.

From Saint Maurice de Rotherens, in the Savoyard pre-Alps, we face Izieu, small town of Ain, located in the foothills of the Bugey massif. The roundup of the children of Izieu took place there, in the morning of April 6, 1944. Depuis Saint Maurice de Rotherens, dans les pré-Alpes savoyardes, on fait face à Izieu, petite commune de l’Ain, située dans les derniers contreforts du massif du Bugey. C’est là qu’au matin du 6 avril 1944, la rafle des enfants d’Izieu a eu lieu.
From Saint Maurice de Rotherens, in the Savoyard pre-Alps, we face Izieu, small town of Ain, located in the foothills of the Bugey massif. The roundup of the children of Izieu took place there, in the morning of April 6, 1944.

Of Polish origin, Annette Wieviorka is a historian, specialist of the Holocaust and director of research at CNRS. As a committed woman, she participated on 14 May 2017 in the Izieu Memorial roundtab on the Nuremberg trial and the establishment of the crime against humanity against Klaus Barbie. D’origine polonaise, Annette Wieviorka est historienne, spécialiste de la Shoah et directrice de recherche au CNRS. Femme engagée, elle a participé le 14 mai 2017 à la tabe ronde du mémorial d’Izieu sur le procès de Nuremberg et l’établissement du crime contre l’humanité à l’encontre de Klaus Barbie.
Of Polish origin, Annette Wieviorka is a historian, specialist of the Holocaust and director of research at CNRS. As a committed woman, she participated on 14 May 2017 in the Izieu Memorial roundtab on the Nuremberg trial and the establishment of the crime against humanity against Klaus Barbie.

The fountain was the only watering place of the colony during the war. The children bathed, played and life was organized all around. Chance (?) did that it was rebuilt a few years back using exactly 44 stones, the number of children deported in 1944. La fontaine était le seul point d’eau de la colonie pendant la guerre. Les enfants s’y baignaient, y jouaient et la vie s’organisait tout autour. Le hasard (?) a fait qu’elle a été reconstruite quelques années en arrière à l’aide de 44 pierres exactement, le nombre des enfants déportés en 1944.
The fountain was the only watering place of the colony during the war. The children bathed, played and life was organized all around.
Chance (?) did that it was rebuilt a few years back using exactly 44 stones, the number of children deported in 1944.

Of Polish origin, Samuel Pintel arrived in Izieu after miraculously escaping a roundup in Annecy in 1943. After a stay of about two months, he left some time before the roundup of June 1944 and escaped a certain death. Member of the board of the House of Izieu, he was with Sabine Zlatin when she decided to buy the former colony and turn it into a memorial. D’origine polonaise, Samuel Pintel est arrivé à Izieu après avoir échappé miraculeusement à une rafle à Annecy en 1943. Après un séjour d’environ deux mois, il en repart quelques temps avant la rafle de juin 1944 et échappe ainsi à une mort certaine. Membre du conseil d’administration de la Maison d’Izieu, il a été aux côtés de Sabine Zlatin quand celle-ci a décidé de racheter l’ancienne colonie et la transformer en Mémorial.
Of Polish origin, Samuel Pintel arrived in Izieu after miraculously escaping a roundup in Annecy in 1943. After a stay of about two months, he left some time before the roundup of June 1944 and escaped a certain death. Member of the board of the House of Izieu, he was with Sabine Zlatin when she decided to buy the former colony and turn it into a memorial.

The archives teach us that the children of Izieu liked to go swimming in the river Rhone and were always able to find places preserved from public view. Today the same river located just below Izieu, is a territory prized by swans. Les archives nous enseignent que les enfants d’Izieu aimaient aller se baigner dans le Rhone et réussissaient toujours à trouver des endroits préservés de la vue du public. Aujourd’hui le Rhône, en contrebas d’Izieu, est un territoire prisé par les cygnes.
The archives teach us that the children of Izieu liked to go swimming in the river Rhone and were always able to find places preserved from public view. Today the same river located just below Izieu, is a territory prized by swans.

Christiane Sauthier was a teacher in Izieu in the 1970s. Several years later, she became interested in the history of the place. Today, she is a member of the Izieu Memorial Association and returns every year. She believes in the power of education and transmission so that the most tragic meanders in our history are not repeated. Christiane Sauthier a été institutrice à Izieu dans les années 1970. Plusieurs années plus tard, elle s’est intéressée à l’histoire du lieu. Aujourd’hui, elle est membre de l’association du Mémorial d’Izieu et y revient chaque année. Elle croit au pouvoir de l’éducation et de la transmission afin que les méandres les plus tragiques de notre histoire ne se répètent pas.
Christiane Sauthier was a teacher in Izieu in the 1970s. Several years later, she became interested in the history of the place. Today, she is a member of the Izieu Memorial Association and returns every year. She believes in the power of education and transmission so that the most tragic meanders in our history are not repeated.

La terrasse de l’ancienne colonie des enfants d’Izieu donne sur les dernières montagnes du Bugey. Lorsqu’on voyage à Izieu pour la première fois, on comprend à quel point la rafle des enfants est un véritable crime contre l’humanité tant il y règne une atmosphère de paix. The terrace of the former children’s colony of Izieu overlooks the last mountains of Bugey. When traveling to Izieu for the first time, we understand how the roundup of children is a real crime against humanity as it reigns an atmosphere of peace.
La terrasse de l’ancienne colonie des enfants d’Izieu donne sur les dernières montagnes du Bugey. Lorsqu’on voyage à Izieu pour la première fois, on comprend à quel point la rafle des enfants est un véritable crime contre l’humanité tant il y règne une atmosphère de paix.

Since their meeting in the 60s, Serge and Beate Klarsfeld have joined forces to defend the memory of the deportees and victims of the Holocaust.Serge Klarsfeld is a historian, lawyer and writer. Beate Klarsfeld is an anti-Nazi activist at the origin of Klaus Barbie’s hunt in Latin America. Present both on May 14, 2017 at the Izieu Memorial, they spoke on the search for Nazi criminals after the war and the role of activists in the Klaus Barbie trial. Depuis leur rencontre dans les années 60, Serge et Beate Klarsfeld font front commun pour défendre la mémoire des déportés et des victimes de l’holocauste. Serge Klarsfeld est historien, avocat et écrivain. Beate Klarsfeld est une militante antinazie à l’origine de la traque de Klaus Barbie en Amérique latine. Présents tous deux le 14 mai 2017 au Mémorial d’Izieu, ils sont intervenus sur la recherche des criminels nazis après guerre et le rôle des militants lors du procès Klaus Barbie.
Since their meeting in the 60s, Serge and Beate Klarsfeld have joined forces to defend the memory of the deportees and victims of the Holocaust.Serge Klarsfeld is a historian, lawyer and writer. Beate Klarsfeld is an anti-Nazi activist at the origin of Klaus Barbie’s hunt in Latin America. Present both on May 14, 2017 at the Izieu Memorial, they spoke on the search for Nazi criminals after the war and the role of activists in the Klaus Barbie trial.

Today, the former children’s colony of Izieu has been transformed into a memorial and welcomes the public throughout the year. The inauguration took place on April 24, 1994, by President François Mitterand. Here is an excerpt from his speech: «Well there is no future without the light of the past, there is no action and progress if the consciousness that leads them does not draw from the sources of history.» Aujourd’hui, l’ancienne colonie des enfants d’Izieu a été transformée en mémorial et accueille le public tout au long de l’année. L’inauguration a eu lieu le 24 avril 1994, par le Président François Mittérand. Voici un extrait de son discours : «Eh bien il n’y a pas d’avenir sans la lumière du passé, il n’y a pas d’action et de progrès si la conscience qui les conduits ne puise pas aux sources de l’histoire.»
Today, the former children’s colony of Izieu has been transformed into a memorial and welcomes the public throughout the year. The inauguration took place on April 24, 1994, by President François Mitterand. Here is an excerpt from his speech: «Well there is no future without the light of the past, there is no action and progress if the consciousness that leads them does not draw from the sources of history.»

Alain Jakubowicz is a French lawyer made famous for defending the Consistory Israelite of France (institution created to administer the Israelite cult in France) during the Barbie trial, before being also in the Touvier and Papon trials. He is also the president of Licra since 2010, the International League Against Racism and Antisemitism. Outstanding speaker, he spoke on May 14, 2017 at the Children’s Memorial of Izieu about the role of activists, alongside Serge and Beate Klasrfeld and Samuel Pintel. Alain Jakubowicz est un avocat français rendu célèbre pour avoir défendu le Consistoire israélite de France (institution créée pour administrer le culte israélite en France) lors du procès Barbie, avant de l’être également aux procès Touvier et Papon. Il est également le président de la Licra depuis 2010, la Ligue Internationale contre le Racisme et l’Antisémitisme. Orateur hors pair, il est intervenu le 14 mai 2017 au mémorial des Enfants d’Izieu pour parler du rôle des militants aux côtés de Serge et Beate Klasrfeld et de Samuel Pintel.
Alain Jakubowicz is a French lawyer made famous for defending the Consistory Israelite of France (institution created to administer the Israelite cult in France) during the Barbie trial, before being also in the Touvier and Papon trials. He is also the president of Licra since 2010, the International League Against Racism and Antisemitism. Outstanding speaker, he spoke on May 14, 2017 at the Children’s Memorial of Izieu about the role of activists, alongside Serge and Beate Klasrfeld and Samuel Pintel.

In late May 2017, these British children on vacation in Izieu play below the village church without suspecting for a moment that in 1944, Jewish children were staying here before being rounded up and then sent to death. Fin mai 2017, ces enfants britanniques en vacances à Izieu jouent en contrebas de l’église du village sans se douter un instant qu’en 1944, des enfants juifs séjournaient ici même avant d’être raflés puis envoyés à la mort.
In late May 2017, these British children on vacation in Izieu play below the village church without suspecting for a moment that in 1944, Jewish children were staying here before being rounded up and then sent to death.

Serge Radzyner is one of those Jewish children hidden during the war and whose name has been changed to escape deportations. He is one of the representatives of the AFMD, the Association of Friends of the Foundation for the Remembrance of the Deportation. He has been working with the youth for many years to transmit his story and testify to the world war II "to awaken the consciousness of younger generations to the dangers of barbarism today". Serge Radzyner fait partie de ces enfants juifs cachés pendant la guerre et dont le nom a été modifié pour échapper aux déportations. Il est l’un des représentant de l’AFMD, l’association des Amis de la Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Déportation. Il intervient auprès de la jeunesse depuis de nombreuses années pour transmettre son histoire et témoigner de la guerre 39-45 "afin d’éveiller les consciences des jeunes générations aux dangers de la barbarie d’aujourd’hui".
Serge Radzyner is one of those Jewish children hidden during the war and whose name has been changed to escape deportations. He is one of the representatives of the AFMD, the Association of Friends of the Foundation for the Remembrance of the Deportation. He has been working with the youth for many years to transmit his story and testify to the world war II "to awaken the consciousness of younger generations to the dangers of barbarism today".

These cotton strips, woven in a curtain by high school girls from Reggio Emilia, bear the names of the children and adults of Izieu crossed with those of Villa Emma in Nonantola. Directed for each of these places in tribute to their stories, the curtain of the House of Izieu is installed on the facade of the house at each commemoration. Ces bandes de coton, tissées en un rideau par des lycéennes de Reggio Emilia, portent les noms des enfants et adultes d’Izieu croisés avec ceux de la Villa Emma à Nonantola. Réalisé pour chacun de ces lieux en hommage à leurs histoires, le rideau de la Maison d’Izieu est installé sur la façade de la maison à chaque commémoration.
These cotton strips, woven in a curtain by high school girls from Reggio Emilia, bear the names of the children and adults of Izieu crossed with those of Villa Emma in Nonantola. Directed for each of these places in tribute to their stories, the curtain of the House of Izieu is installed on the facade of the house at each commemoration.

On April 6, 2017, as every year, took place the commemoration of the roundup of April 6, 1944, 73 years earlier. The sub-prefect of Belley (Ain), Pascale Preveirault recollects, as the militaries do, after laying a wreath on the forecourt of the house. Le 6 avril 2017 a eu lieu, comme tous les ans, la comémoration de la rafle du 6 avril 1944, 73 ans plus tôt. La sous-préfète de Belley (Ain), Pascale Preveirault se recueille, comme le font les militaires, après avoir déposé une gerbe de fleurs sur le parvis de la maison.
On April 6, 2017, as every year, took place the commemoration of the roundup of April 6, 1944, 73 years earlier. The sub-prefect of Belley (Ain), Pascale Preveirault recollects, as the militaries do, after laying a wreath on the forecourt of the house.

«Remembering» is one of the missions of the Children’s Memorial of Izieu, as well as educating, informing, creating bridges between past and present history in order to transmit an inheritance. «Se souvenir» est une des missions du Mémorial des enfants d’Izieu, tout comme éduquer, informer, créer des ponts entre l’histoire passée et présente afin de transmettre un héritage.
«Remembering» is one of the missions of the Children’s Memorial of Izieu, as well as educating, informing, creating bridges between past and present history in order to transmit an inheritance.

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