I continued working on my Auto-Project: “Can we eat now Mamma”, which is a project about… me. I am searching for my roots, intrigued by (my own) ageing and often struggling to reunite motherhood and my own space and time in live. I visualise very simple ideas or events which I come across or better which come across me. I shoot what surrounds me, what comes from me (my kids) and what touches me. During the 4 days Michael gave me a sense of freedom to broaden my subject and my way of shooting; to just do and continue. Thanks for that Michael !

Can we eat now Mamma
by Godelieve Mols (Australia)
Godelieve Mols (Dutch by birth, based in Paris for 17 years, living in Australia since 5 years) has attended the Introspective Photography Workshop with Michael Ackerman. Admiring Michael’s work and always on the look for learning and exchanging ideas and thoughts with fellow photographers, I participated with great delight in the Introspective Photography Workshop.