Claes Thureson

Amazing Beauty Boudoir in Amsterdam
Claes Thureson

The Amazing Beauty Boudoir

by Claes Thureson (Sweden)

This project is about the beauty salon the Amazing Beauty Boudoir in Amsterdam. It consists of Sheree Roth, hairdresser, and the three make-up artists Elnaz Hosseinzada, José Velasquez and Alfredo vd Veen.

Entering the boudoir a warm feeling appears. The people working their welcome their clients and takes them very seriously, as they do with their job. This includes making all feel comfortable. Joking is common and engages all in the salon. In the back of the salon there is a kitchen. It is not separated from the salon and is therefore open also for the customers. There they sit and wait for treatment, finish own work or just socialize with the make-up artists and each other.

Portfolio from the Visual Storytelling workshop with Ed Kashi, October 2016.

Video conference with JENNY SMETS,
Photography consultant, photo editor. Curator and educator.

José bringing tea and water to the customers. José bringing tea and water to the customers.

Elnaz, José and Alfredo are open and welcoming, giving a familial feeling to the salon. Here Alfredo showed a film on his phone causing laughter, and directly after this moment Alfred turns to Elnaz and Manar and show the film and so all in the salon laughs. Elnaz, José and Alfredo are open and welcoming, giving a familial feeling to the salon. Here Alfredo showed a film on his phone causing laughter, and directly after this moment Alfred turns to Elnaz and Manar and show the film and so all in the salon laughs.

Alfredo vd Veen removes old fake eye lashes. Alfredo vd Veen removes old fake eye lashes.

In the foreground Alfredo makes the eye lashes on his customer (who preferred to be anonymous), behind them Elnaz is working with Manar's eye brows and behind her José is doing the eye brows on a third custoomer. In the foreground Alfredo makes the eye lashes on his customer (who preferred to be anonymous), behind them Elnaz is working with Manar's eye brows and behind her José is doing the eye brows on a third custoomer.

Woman resting while Alfredo is working with her eye lashes. Woman resting while Alfredo is working with her eye lashes.

Stephanie Oonk gets her eye brows done by Elna Hosseinzada. Stephanie Oonk gets her eye brows done by Elna Hosseinzada.

At the Amazing Baeuty Boudoir. José Velasquez (centre) and Elnaz Hosseinzada (right) making the eye brows on two custmers on a Friday evening. At the Amazing Baeuty Boudoir. José Velasquez (centre) and Elnaz Hosseinzada (right) making the eye brows on two custmers on a Friday evening.

Stephanie Oonk gets her eye brows done by Elna Hosseinzada to the left while José Velasquez works with another client's eye brows. Stephanie Oonk gets her eye brows done by Elna Hosseinzada to the left while José Velasquez works with another client's eye brows.

A break in the kitchen in the back of the salon between the customers. The kitchen is not separated from the salon and is therefore open also for the customers. There they sit and wait for treatment, finish own work or just socialize with the make-up artists and each other. A break in the kitchen in the back of the salon between the customers. The kitchen is not separated from the salon and is therefore open also for the customers. There they sit and wait for treatment, finish own work or just socialize with the make-up artists and each other.

José Velasquez shows how to fix the eye brows. José Velasquez shows how to fix the eye brows.

The hairdresser Sheree Roth's dog Noah. The hairdresser Sheree Roth's dog Noah.

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