© Raymond Depardon / Magnum Photos NIGER. Sahara. The Tenere Desert. Filming of the movie “La captive du désert”, directed by Raymond DEPARDON.


Independant curator/ Creative director

France, Paris
French, English

Director of Paris Photo (2002-2008), Creative Director for the Magnum Gallery in Paris (2008 – 2012). Since 2012, founding member of Temple Gallery in Paris, Artistic Director for the Month of Photography 2014 for the theme “Anonymous and famous amateurs”. Curator for the American Dream revisted – one-year program at Gallery Hug, Paris. Co-curator for Nostalgia of the (In)visible, Polish and Ukraine in Photography, Gallery Embiricos, Paris.


“The session with Valérie went very well. She is very generous and kind and expressed a lot of trust in my ability to grow to another level of artistry and gave me an assignment to pull together a ’dossier artistique’ which would express the essence of my creative project.” Sept. 2021

Sans titre

- Deadlines:
There is a delay of 3 days between the date we receive the photographer’s application and the date we are able to confirm or not the session with the Mentor.

- Payment:
Right after submitting his application throughout the Eyes in Progress’s website, the photographer is invited to pay the full stated price (via an email sent from PayZen credit card payment platform).
Applications can only be processed after receiving the full payment.

- Feedback/Testimonies:
Eyes in Progress will contact the photographer once the session is done in order to ask for his feedback.

- If the Mentor is not available and the photographer chooses to cancel the process, the photographer will receive a full refund in the delay of 3 days after the photographer sends his bank details to Eyes in Progress (IBAN and BIC/ SWIFT code).

- If the photographer decides to cancel for whatever reasons after the Mentor has agreed to the session, Eyes in Progress will reimburse 50% of the paid price.